Uses of Class

Packages that use NgramSmoother

Uses of NgramSmoother in kylm.model.ngram

Methods in kylm.model.ngram that return NgramSmoother
 NgramSmoother NgramLM.getSmoother()

Methods in kylm.model.ngram with parameters of type NgramSmoother
 void NgramLM.setSmoother(NgramSmoother smoother)

Constructors in kylm.model.ngram with parameters of type NgramSmoother
NgramLM(int n, NgramSmoother smoother)

Uses of NgramSmoother in kylm.model.ngram.smoother

Subclasses of NgramSmoother in kylm.model.ngram.smoother
 class AbsoluteSmoother
          Calculate N-gram probabilities with absolute smoothing
 class GTSmoother
          Calculate N-gram probabilities with Katz smoothing TODO: This is not statistically sound when trimming
 class KNSmoother
          Calculate N-gram probabilities with Kneser-Ney smoothing
 class MKNSmoother
          Calculate N-gram probabilities with Kneser-Ney smoothing
 class MLSmoother
          Calculate N-gram maximum-likelihood probabilities (no smoothing)
 class WBSmoother
          Calculate N-gram probabilities with Witten-Bell smoothing